I've thought of this sort of thing in the past as well.
I second what Metro said about trying to find an special effects outlet.
On a much smaller scale ( If the price on the movie set sized one is too steep ) , you could buy a home smoke machine ( smoke generator ) once Halloween is over and they drop the prices.You would really need to pump out a
lot of smoke with it though .... and where would you plug it in at ??
I tried one and it didn't put out enough smoke once the fan kicked on in my small DIY wind-tunnel.
Since they are for use around people, they would certainly be more environmentally friendly than the other options given so far.
MOTHER would thank you

BTW, How's MAX coming along ? I suddenly got really interested in the car when I saw the aero mods planned. It's cool how that you retained the 'classic' look, yet have a car that is very streamlined. Well done !
( Hmmm... O.K. so maybe the Halloween smoker wouldn't work. Well hmmm... what about a large Thermos of dry ice connected to your wand ??? ... grabbing at straws here.
EDIT : Sorry for posting an idea that was just mentioned. I rushed in without thinking.