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Old 10-06-2009, 10:57 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
I seem to remember an individual I met claiming he converted his metro motor to diesel, he said the compression ratio was high enough to be left alone so long as it was WARM outside.

My estimate would be follow KISS.

Diesels have come many different ways dimensions strokes and compression ratios.

Leave your motor alone, replace the heads to a bit higher compression than you need which tends to hover in the 14to17-1 area depending on how warm it typically is), deal with the less than ideal bowl by placing the fuel intake/"injector" in a "mini" bowl (aka suido precombustion chamber) you bore out of the head and live with the less than perfectness being happy that it works with minimal work. Of coarse you will have to find some very thick heads to fit your unit.

The main issue is getting fuel into the motor at the right time, the rest is moot so long as the block doesn't overheat in the wrong place and break on you.

Good Luck
Originally Posted by Old Tele man View Post
...remember, GM "made" their diesel burner engines from basically stock V8 engine block assemblies...and that was why they didn't last (among other reasons).
I seem to recall diesels have stronger rods (not a prob as forged rods are readily available for the 300) and stronger head bolts. They should me available, contact Crower Rods, they'll have them.
Think about a turbo to help keep down the smoke, just remember to keep the static CR low.
Yeah those old GM diesels gave diesels the bad name they have here in the states.
Keep us posted.
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