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Old 10-07-2009, 01:27 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by lusth View Post
OK, the "grundies" comment was uncalled for and I apologize.

As to the Volt not being viable, it very likely won't be viable. On the other hand, Prius Gen I and Gen II were also not economically viable in that Toyota sold them at a loss (at least that is my understanding).
But GM needs this car in the worst way and the tob brass have said so over and over. The only way the Volt doesn't go into production is GM goes out of business.

Finally, the original article is two months old and quotes an older document. There has been plenty of news since then to lead one to believe the Volt is not going to be scrapped.

Again, my apologies.
Cool, and thanks.

I guess where we take different sides on this is how much the government is involved. The way I see it, as I understand it anyway, GM pretty much has to get the Blessing of the American Government to do much of anything. So that begs the question of will the Government allow GM to sell a car at a loss during this political climate? I just do not see it happening. Otherwise I could, that is if GM did not have The Government looking over their shoulders upon every move. I just feel that the Government wont sit still for GM to go further into the red very far without stopping them. In other words, it's my opinion that the Government will have some deep concerns about the notion of selling any car from GM at a loss for a long length of time. If the car is not viable from Day #1 of production, they might be seen as taken on more risk than the government is comfortable with. And I admit that is speculation, however the Car-News people were the ones to first jump on this story, most of us just happen to not caught wind of it yet, and I happen to agree with their logic, even if they do not come out and explain their own speculation that I assume lead to their conclusions.

I hope The Volt makes it to production myself. My own father told me that he got word through the grapevine that, indeed, GM is in the early processes of getting things ready to re-tool next year. So, I will say there is a chance you may be right. But if GM does come out and sell that car at a loss, then I have to question The Government's thinking even more than I do now.

I agree the articles are a few weeks old, but I can not find any news since then to de-bunk them. Maybe it will happen. I guess my issue is The Government allowing GM to take on even more debt- although I agree more cash flow in is better than lower cash flow in. Maybe I just do not think like a car-guy. To me if what GM says about it not being viable is true, in this political climate, then I will be happily Surprised at the Government if they give them a year or two to make it into the black with The Volt. Meanwhile everyday we wait the competition is gearing up to compete- that's one reason it bothers me to see GM advertise this car all over the net and TV, gosh I really do wish they would wait until the car was on the car lots before pushing it so hard.


Last edited by Jammer; 10-07-2009 at 05:54 PM..
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