Originally Posted by basslover911
Ohh got you got you. Im just thinking if the backpressure of this intercooler is less than an oem muffler, then the extra backpressure made by the "cooling of the exhaust" + lower back pressure intercooler = oem muffler back pressure (hopefully). Again i'm just throwing ideas out there but your right I didnt take that into account.
Here, you may be correct. It could be the same as the OEM backpressure figure, and I don't think I know the math to confirm or deny, so the best way to test, of course, is to test.
Of course, like I said before, there is an equilibrium point, where you just won't have any more backpressure build up, because you won't be extracting any more heat.
Maybe, if you have the cash, you might consider two of these inline in the exhaust? You might be able to get a marginally higher temperature, but more surface contact, so more fluid velocity due to quicker heating.