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Old 12-04-2007, 03:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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Vegan Powa! - '91 Honda CRX DX
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Support membership means no forum ads, plus get a bonus EM decal

Please consider contributing to to help offset expenses and support continued growth. (We're growing much faster than expected!)

You may have noticed that some members have little stars by their names. That usually means they're contributing members. Here's what the stars mean, and how you can get one:

Blue Star members help offset the costs of running with contributions of $50 or more. For their support, they recieve a pair of ecomodder window stickers, our eternal gratitude, and have ads permanently removed from their accounts.

Red Star members support the site with contributions from $20 to $49. They recieve our genuine thanks, an window sticker and have ads permanently removed from their accounts.
To get a blue or red star membership, and all the associated perks, see the EcoModder Store.

If you prefer an old-fashioned turtle mail transaction, contact me for a mailing address.

Purple Star members are those who have contributed more than once. Thank you!

Green Star members are admins/moderators. You can address them with questions, concerns, and suggestions about the site.

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benphyr (09-10-2012), HyperMileQC (08-07-2013), LostinTransit (12-18-2024), MPG Hunter (10-02-2011)