Originally Posted by basslover911
Well thats my only problem, wondering how much flow there would actually be by natural convection.
And really natural convection is the only real way to do it, because if you use a pump it kind of defeats the purpose of the other pump that is producing electricity... Unless the pump simply gives it a "head start" and the heat further accelerates the flow... would that work?
Ive been trying to look around for videos on maybe sience labs or something that can show heating on one side of a pipe and the water actually moving to the other side of the pipe (so I can see how hot it really needs to get (or the temperature difference between each side for that matter)... but I cant find any...
It sounds like you are describing a Stirling Engine.
No need to use a liquid, it will operate using a heated gas. Since approx. 1/3 of the energy released by combustion goes out the exhaust (
Thermal Efficiency of Engines by EPI, Inc. ), it seems you should be able to recover a fairly significant portion of that. I do know it is expensive for the few Stirling engine powered devices out there.
Here is a link to a guy who has built a few on his own.
DS Stirling Page
And this has a lot of info and links.
Stirling Engine DIY « Blog for newenergydirection.com
If you could develop a viable stirling cycle powered 12v alternator that runs using the waste heat radiated from a cars exhaust pipes, then get rich and share the money and glory with the ecomodding community.