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Old 03-08-2008, 02:04 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Good point. Diesels, especially the passenger variety, are a bit of a black art to me. I'm pretty sure diesels can operate without a throttle plate, but I'm assuming your car has one. I'm also assuming that your car uses mechanical injection. If that is the case, I'm wondering how it meters the fuel?

I'd like to understand your reasoning for wanting to run a HAI. As far as I know, lowering the effective displacement will only be beneficial by making your engine "work harder" to maintain speed. What I mean is that the throttle plate will be at full throttle (fully open) to limit pumping losses. If you have control over fuel metering, then lowering the amount of fuel injected will accomplish the same thing since stoichiometry isn't a limiting factor.

Even though hot air is less dense, it is also more viscous. This may cause increased pumping losses, I'm really not sure though...

EGR is only useful for lowering combustion temperatures, so I don't see how routing the muffler to the engine will increase efficiency. Too much EGR and you also have combustion issues. I'd like your feedback.

- LostCause
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