I think the logic is good and it's smart thinking.Systems are designed for Furnace Creek,Death Valley,California and worst-case-scenario.----------- That's not to say that you couldn't get into trouble with a smaller system.You might rehearse for overheating by sliding or turning temp control to full heat,outside air,and full fan,to create auxiliary cooling in a bad situation.------------------ I my spare time,I would like to explore pressure drops across thermostats at various levels of "open." My HONDA thermostat is a work of art compared to Chevy,Ford,and Dodge units I've encountered.---------------- Also,during development of the Chrysler LH platform and powertrain,it was claimed that the water pump designed by computer for those series of cars,had the lowest hydrodyynamic drag of any ever tested.------------- Racers use "vintage" impeller tech,with cast hydrodynamic vanes rather than bent metal vanes.----------- Additionally,extra-duty towing packages include a "SMALLER" impeller pump to minimize cavitation caused by high tip velocities within the pump volute.-------------- It looks like the cooling system is very fertile ground for modding!