Originally Posted by dcb
Well Glenn is ok in my book. He has a right to use the freeway and drive at or above the minimum speed limit, especially if it was at night and presumably not crowded, and assuming he was in the slow lane. If someone is speeding and causes a crash, well, hopefully they heard it on the news that theres gonna be some slowpokes out there and they better pay attention, so they don't cause a crash.
Nobody should pander to speeders in the name of safety ?!?
Glenn Konrad is alright.
The officer knew he would not win if he gave him a ticket.
Going 50 is legal on any US freeway unless it's explictly marked.
If Glenn was doing this during rush hour - it would be an issue, but midnight on an open freeway? (do you think this patrolman would have pulled him over if it was busy?
I was driving about 50 in pre rush hour on I35E and I635 in the same kind of Honda Insight with a reporter from the Dallas Morning News -
check out his account.
Bottom line is Glenn was legal and not in anyone's way....if you keep an eye out it's no problem.