Originally Posted by Old Tele man
...most state speed laws are foundationed on the conditions of: "...reasonable and prudent..." not "...conforming..." and "...stupid see/stupid do..." (Forrest Gump paraphasing).
...similarly, just because everybody else is exceeding the speed limit is neither (a) a good reason nor (b) a legal defense against "breaking the law."
...too many people think they own the roadways and that it's 'majority rule' on speeds...sorry but that ain't "reasonable & prudent."
Oh, I agree. But the speed that traffic is moving, say in a 70MPH zone, can make the difference in me traveling say 62 or 70MPH. The faster the traffic the better the chance I will speed up TO the P.S.- I do not wish to be rear ended when I am going say- 60MPH and the other one is moving at 80MPH. If I am going the P.S. the lesser the chance I should ever be hit by a speeder in the first place. The closer we can match our speed the better, BUT that is NO EXCUSE for speeding over the P.S. although I would guess most of us have done it before at some point in our lives for good or bad reasons.