I have nothing against Chinese bikes. We just bought one (the CF Moto) a couple months ago and it's a tank in all the good ways. I was just warning everyone about what I personally found out about Lifan when I looked. Standard "don't believe the advertising" statement. The local CF Moto dealer is only 2 miles away from me and is also the same dealer I go to for my Honda, plus a lot of the maintenance parts are standard CAR parts I can get from any auto parts store. In contrast, the nearest Lifan dealer was 100 miles away and THE DEALER told me I'd have to use their parts. I see no reason he would tell me that if they were standards that Autozone carried like the CF Moto is. I live in the capitol city, albeit of Iowa, but there's no reason a licensed dealer should be more than 20 miles away.
The country of origin was never the deciding factor. It was simply that the CF Moto was automatic so my wife could ride it, and available on Craigslist. The only thing I don't like about our Chinese bike IS the automatic transmission, but we bought it for that reason for my wife. I just like the clutch, no matter who makes it.
If a Lifan was available on Craigslist for $1000 I'd buy it in an instant, but the only reason I knew about Lifan was because I did see one on Craigslist, but for $3000. And when I looked into the company I found the same ads that were posted here, and I wondered why a used bike would be selling for MORE than a new one. So I started looking into a new one and found that I couldn't get one HERE for less than $3000, but I could find a used Ninja 250 locally for $1500. All I'm saying is buyer beware, no judgments.
Last edited by extragoode; 10-10-2009 at 11:26 PM..
Reason: Clarification