Hey all,
I just got over the 40 mpg hump with my (automatic) 2007 Yaris Hatchback! So happy!

And that's without even trying any modifications, so I'm wondering what new heights I could reach if I made some minor adjustments... I can't wait until my average hits 40 mpg. Then I'll throw a party!
Anyway, I'm looking into getting snap-on moon hubcaps, as the roads are pretty nice up here in CT (in most places), so I'm not worried about them flying off. I'm also thinking about buying low rolling resistance tires, as my tires (and my car) just hit 40,000 miles, so I guess I should be due for new tires not too far down the road. I don't think I want to do anything major, as I may sell the car some day when I move into a city.
I do have a question regarding those LRR tires, though... Are they really that effective for the price? It looks like four tires would run me $320, according to tirerack.com, and I'd have to change from 14" to 15" tires, unless I wanted the "summer" LRR tires. And I can't buy summer tires, cause let's face it, this isn't Arizona. The winters in CT can range from mild to horrendous... we never know what we're gonna get in terms of snow, but we always get something. And why does my signature say "Hypermiler"? I'm hardly a hypermiler... I'm more of an ecodriver or something... I just drive the speed limit and watch my rate of acceleration so the engine doesn't rev too much, that's all.