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Old 10-11-2009, 04:00 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Question Gaming laptop with lowest power consumption ?

I know that the Macbook Pro has a decent graphics card and uses an average of just over 33 Watts while processing, however, it's pricing is just stupid. You pay a premium for ... what ?
I have seen several gaming laptops that have much better graphics, yet cost hundreds of dollars less than the Macs.
However, power consumption is my main concern. What I am after is a laptop that uses no more than 40 watts while processing. ( not to be confused with standby mode )

An EPEAT Gold rating would be 'icing on the cake'.

Any advice ?

BTW, A Playstation uses over 200 watts while you play your game, so one of these is completely out of the question.

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