Originally Posted by theycallmeebryan
Tell tale sign is to go a little ways from your house, get into 4th gear, and hold you throttle at a position where the jet in question has the most influence. Hold it there for 5-10 seconds and then immediately kill the engine. Pull the plugs and see if they show lean or rich signs.
What you are looking for is the BASE RING.... that is the ring on the bottom of the plug that the ground strap (the arm) is welded/soldered to. What you want to look for is a full turn of darkness all the way around the outside of that ring. If its not all the way around, the bike is lean.
The base ring on both of my plugs are black, not heavily deposited black but a thin, even film of black. The black goes to the base of the ground strap, and less than 1/8" up the ground strap it suddenly changes color to a very light tan/off-white color, and the rest of the ground strap out to the tip is the same color. Both plugs are identical in appearance.
Yay, nay?