no I totally agree with the results they have there. I'm just saying^_^" I used to watch the show all the time and watched every episode. Some I can totally agree on, others... not so much. they're right about 80% of the time I think. The others are questionable... although I can't remember which ones i said "hmm... that just doesn't look, or sound right to me.."
I have total respect for the mythbuster team, but I'm always wondering if there was a different way to do it if it'd work, and I remember at least one episode where someone else found a different result. I don't know if they revisited it or not, but then that makes me think just a little more about it.
I wonder if enough of us, or if maybe MetroMPG or SVOboy wrote mythbusters a letter about sloped aero bed caps vs. everything else, and said that the letter was from the whole ecomodder community, I'd be fun to show people how aero really matters at high speeds. Just a thought though.