I am wondering how I reset my scanguage to defaults since it seems to be going haywire lately.
Unlike you I use my scanguage in many different vehicles and could care less about the fill up option unfortunately I have used it on "clean" tanks on one car or another and now it bounces all over creation and is getting less accurate.
I am wondering how I do that since it was moderately accurate when I started but now after being on the buick roughly 3 months straight its getting less accurate, as it gets colder my Scanguage reads higher FE while my real FE keeps going down, strange.
Anyway to use the fillup option you must add up your partial fills and MPG until you ACTUALLY fill the tank or it simply doesn't work. In other words like me you should get the thing reset put in whatever offset you figure you need and be done with it since partial fills cannot be used with the scanguage.