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Old 10-16-2009, 12:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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GREEN CAR JOURNAL, Spring 2009 article (GAS vs. E85 MPG ratings)

...anybody see the table on page 29, "2009 E85 Flexible-Fuel Vehicles," that lists 41 different 2009 flex-fuel vehicles and their respective GAS and E85 MPG ratings?

...well, I graphed the MPG numbers and here are the results (H=MPG.hwy,

I) Average City MPG vs. Hwy MPG linear equation:

GAS: H = 1.5087(C) - 1.1775, RR = 0.8998
E85: H = 1.5639(C) - 1.2182, RR = 0.9450

II) Average MPG ratios: E85/Gas for City and E85/Gas for Hwy:

CITY: average = 0.712, stddev = 0.043
HWY: average = 0.721, stddev = 0.035

...although these numbers only represent the 41 vehicles listed, they illustrate that E85 yields about 71% of GAS milage in the city, and about 72% of GAS milage on the highway.

...I have both Excel and graphs if others want to see the raw numbers.

Last edited by gone-ot; 10-16-2009 at 12:37 AM..
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