Originally Posted by jamesqf
Going by my own experience, I have to disagree. The '70s were worse, both for me personally, and because the '70s had inflation and absurdly high interest rates. The other thing is that the '70s recession effectively went on for years, so that it pretty much became the norm.
It's all about where you live and politics, which we have little control over. Personally I have been having employment problems since late 2008, right after gas spiked over $4.00 a gallon (usd). I am speaking of my own personal experience trying to find work and finding a room full of people applying for a single job opening on every single decent job lead I have got for a year. I have skills and I have even ran a small business of my own for a year or two. Before things were this bad I would of thought a person had to be lazy to have the problems scoring a job for as long as I have, but I know how many places I have got my resumes at and how seldom it's lead to anything but more horror for me. If it was not for the fact I have family here I would likely be in Texas, or some state further to the south as it seems those are the only places that I hear of that actually has real job openings. This is a contrast as compared to the 1990's for sure- but the 1970's I was too young to be looking for work then. All I know is in Michigan where I was raised it was not a problem for the adults I knew to find work when Carter was in office- but the inflation had prices going up real fast- I well remember that. Also, needless to mention but when I watch the Business news they seem to be in agreement we have seen the worse recession since the great depression, and that is a subject I just have never heard a disagreement over until you posted your case. Perhaps you can point me to a place that is actually hiring instead of firing?? Because it really stinks here, and this used to be a place where you would find a help wanted- application underneath your Bic Mac and Help Wanted Signs up on every street in the 90's.
It's all relative to how things are going for anyone of us. Somebody once said it's a Recession when your friend losses their job, and it's a DEPRESSION when you can not find a job of your own.