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Old 10-19-2009, 12:40 AM   #33 (permalink)
Automotive Xtremist
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Fort Polk Louisiana
Posts: 26

RustyButTrusty - '01 Dodge Ram 2500 Sport
90 day: 18.96 mpg (US)

DodgeZilla - '00 Dodge Ram 1500 Laramie
Thanks: 1
Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
stock for stock I'd still give the nod to the Cobalt SS/TC, not because I own one, but because I've seen it, being in the service for a while you get to see most of the latest cars and go fast stuff guys buy when they get back from Iraq, one such was a brand new mustang gt, it was pretty quick, but the weight of the car is just not ignorable. I had him as soon as I shifted into second. He got me on a launch every single time for obvious..wait a tic, aren't we supposed to be ecomodding? Ahah, anyways, yea, I don't wanna diverge too much here.

I'm very close to 40mpg, my avg and tank avg mpg is all over, but my commute mileage (the actual durations I attempt to be frugal, which is 5 days a week hehe) stands just shy of 38mpg. If anyone can read through this and give me an idea, I'd be grateful, cuz next is tires.
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