We'll I was away for a wedding this weekend. Took the ZX2. Drove into a headwind the whole way down VA Beach. Really stuggled to get it over 46mpg. Not normal. I think the PCM may have gone open loop and it was running a little rich. Then I ran thru this big dip in the road, bottomed out and (didn't know it at the time) killed my O2 sensor. It ran terrible after that and it took me about 100 miles to figure out what was going on, mpgs really suffered during that bit. It's difficult to draw any conclusion as to how much the skirts help. I need to do those coast down tests.
I just might try this WRA thing after all....it's really had me thinking?
I'll try and post some picks of the skirts tonight. They only took about 4-5 hr's to make and probably 30 bucks for both in materials.
What interesting is that I surprised my wife with the skirts, it's the first time she saw them and then there was a Gen1 Insight at the wedding, and she commented that this guy did the same as I did. So I got to explain the whole concept to her using the Insight. I'm glad she doesn't really care what I do to the car