Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
IF I order extras of the control boards??!! I ordered extras yesterday! They will ship in 12 days... I'll have an extra power section available by then too. No pressure. I'm just saying it's there if you want it. hehe. Heck I can even send it to you, and it can sit there for all eternity never used, and I won't feel bad.
Pressure to what, learn?......succeed?

If you don't mind explaining every little detail like I was a 5 year old, I'm game!! I already have a soldering iron or two, and a soldering gun. I LOVE the pics in your manual. Schematics I don't get, but pictures...monkey see monkey do! Also, I figured out that a PCB is the Pakistan Cricket Board! Thank God for Google, eh?
But seriously though, did you know that the inventor of the PCB was a Paul???!!! Man, Pauls are just awesome all 'round!