carbon deposits
unmentioned so far in this thread is the fact that if premium fuel is used , where regular fuel is specified by the engineers who designed the system .
the fuel will not burn completely and there will be carbon deposits deposited inside of the combustion chamber .
which will result in additional as of yet UNmentioned problems .
the knock sensors and the feedback systems they are a part of operate in real time real fast . and they operate per cylinder .
so you can have knock retard values at the same time in different cylinders that have different values based on the conditions in those cylinders at the time .
the systems are designed to maintain Ignition timing at the optimum value at the time for each individual cylinder .
imho , there will be zero benefit to tampering with them.
i have graphed it and logged it on many different systems chasing problems
bottom line ;
premium fuel does not improve FE in systems that are designed for regular fuel .