On Saturday, there was a worldwide rally to promote James Hansen's theory of 350ppm atmospheric CO2 as a "safe" level for sustainable life on Earth. About 5200 different organized rallies occurred all over the world.
I just wanted to give a heads up to everyone here on Ecomodder. Even if it makes you think for a second, or if it adds to your ecomodding edge, i think its information everyone should know.
Here is James Hansen's original paper published on the topic suggestion 350ppm as a safe point. Earth used to be about 260-270ppm before civilized human life thrived. That number is considered the natural atmospheric CO2 levels for earth. We are currently at levels of 387ppm CO2. If we reach levels any higher (and we WILL given current trends), we will face complete loss of ice caps on the planet and we will see species pass.