Christ -
Originally Posted by Christ
Olympic sport? Extreme Data Gathering/Recording!
I realized a long time ago that it's just not going to change anything horrifically if I were to just round the mileage down and the gallons up every time. After all, it's only a few 1/100 of a gallon that gets changed, and that's WELL within even allowable pump error (FTC says it's OK to be off by some unbelievably small number, apparently.)
Yup, rounding evens out over time. I use the details section mostly to have all the information in one (ethereal) place. I keep these little notebooks in my car that, once filled up, inevitably dissappear into my bags 'O crap.
If I were you (and I'm not), I would record the MPG on the forum in some way. If I split it into a "Cara at Work" fuel log, I would try to roughly figure out my hauling load for that tank and keep it in the details section. In that way I would have a rough way to calculate the fuel efficiency of the "work" that my car is doing.
On a similar note, I re-purposed one of my Trip Logs to be a repair and/or mod log. That way, in theory, I can correlate changes to the car to changes in MPG.