Winter success!
Not quite winter just yet, but winter gas is here and the temps are down so it was time to fight back. In the summer I was averaging around 43mpg on my commute. When the winter gas hit and temps dropped I was struggling to get 40mpg. I recently added a HAI and rear wheel skirts and along with a vacuum leak/lean burn thing I've been playing with, I've seen some tremendous results. The last three days of commuting have averaged 44.4mpg! I'm pretty excited about getting the same mpg in the winter as in summer.
It seems this combination of mods has been paticularly effective on the slightly down hills where I must keep the throttle open and can't coast. I used to get high 50's to low 60's mpg in those areas and now am getting high 70's to low 80's in those areas. It also takes a bit more throttle angle to climb the up hills. Open road mpg is slightly better, but not as dramatic as the slight down hills. The up hill mpg is pretty much the same as before. Also coasting has benefited from the better aero.
So here are some pics of the different mods: Vacuum Leak, HAI and Skirts.