Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Hmm. People want little trucks? Full sized trucks aren't even "big enough"! Look at how many solo commuters you see in F250s, Super Doodies, and Duallies???
Different set of people there! Around here the most common truck model is probably the small Toyota. Lots of '80s models still running (I have an '88 myself). The neighbor's getting some tree-trimming done this week, and the one of the people's driving one of the '70s 2WD models.
Howcome Ford is having to close the Ranger plant in MN? Hint: lack of sales. Some whine about it being "dated"... I don't know, I have a '97 and it's a perfectly fine little truck, what is so bad about it that it's not a saleable item???
'Cause it's a Ford? Toyota seems to still sell lots of their Tacoma model, even though it's been putting on a bit of weight. And of course part of Toyota's problem is that they sort of killed their market for repeat business, especially with people like me for whom the truck's a second vehicle used for hauling &c. When you can buy a 20 year old vehicle that still runs perfectly for about $3K, why spend money on new?