Actually 3 is still true assuming that they don't die from some sort of brute force or starvation. The longest lived peoples on the planet also live the most simplistically. And that tends to be regardless of whether its meat or vegetable. There are many examples of 60/70+ year old individuals from tropical basin hunter gathers.
1. is also true when you limit it to our origins in the tropical basin, people generally didn't survive into the cold blue yonder as hunter gathers.
4. Is almost always true when comparing a traditional diet to a grain based diet. The diet of wheat that has been pushed down our throats was historically proven to be the worst as exemplified by the Egyptian culture.
Could you help me with some sources? Thanks!
The low sucess rate now can be attributed to us having a vastly different world than of many years past, with very few people and lots of animals, especially in the the tropical basin, hunting would not be difficult and would not occupy all of your day since a little cooperation can net one larger animal feeding the group.
Actually, humans typically have done more to decimate predator populations, meaning an over-abundance of prey animals. Check out the populations of white-tailed deer in North America... or on your bumper. Besides, wouldn't evolution tend to kill off easy prey before humans even came into the picture? I don't think gazelles became tremendous runners in the last 20,000 years.
Historically men were killed by something other than old age.
Agreed. Disease often did the trick too. But again, if you could point me to some sources that support your assertion, it would be very helpful. Thanks again.