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Old 11-03-2009, 02:32 AM   #16 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Would be possible, but I don't know if he simply can flash a 0.75
version. If I'm right, he don't uses the original Arduino system
anymore. Also, there should be an error in the code, you would have to
send the unit back to him for a new software version or find someone who
can program it. It has no USB port!
So I would recomend to build your own MPGuino from an Arduino board.
It's simple. If you send me your mail adress, I can give the software to
you. You may want to comment out both of the "#define _funktion"
directives in top of code (_temperature and _lambda) if you don't use an
LM135, 235 or LM335 temperature sensor or lambda readout. Also, there is
a little tricky think to mention: My parameters list (saved from
setup-menue) is not compatible with original code. I removed all of the
unused variables so I don't confuse the users more then neccesary. That
means, if there was an original software on your unit, you first have to
clear the memory or rewrite it with the new parameters. And same in
other direction. Else it will read / write to undefined adresses and
mess up the running program.
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