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Old 11-03-2009, 10:22 AM   #14 (permalink)
That VX guy!
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The VX - '92 Honda Civic VX
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I put in a Phillips HID kit into my TYC projector (Aftermarket) headlights in my VX. The light output is better than the halogen bulbs that were in there before. And I actually made sure the projectors were aimed right unlike 90% of people that get the plug and play kits, even with projectors. the biggest benefit to the HIDS, for me, was the fact that it removed the "Hot Spot" effect of the halogen bulb and doubled the light output. I went with 4300K bulbs that put out about 3200lumens. The old halogens could only muster about 1500lumens and would have the hot spot whereas the HIDs are a nice even light intensity with no blinding hot spot.

No troubles melting anything either.

No noticeable increase in MPG either, but then again temps swing from ~30°F to 50°F daily this time of year in MN. not to mention 40W equals something close to .05HP anyways.

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