I do agree that most are desensitized. The excuse used to be supply and demand. So drive less, drive more efficiently when you do drive, and everyone can help keep prices down. Now I think they've realized that the barons controlling prices are going to do whatever they want, whenever they want. Election coming up, lower prices. Crude oil goes down, raise prices anyway. Summer driving season over, raise prices anyway. Speculators buying into oil, crude oil not rising, raise prices anyway.
The only time I noticed a drop in traffic was after Katrina, there were noticeably fewer at the bridge walk, gas was $3.55 here. Other than that, it didn't seem to matter. The rich tourists who crowd this part of the state are going to do what they want regardless of fuel price. Fly up here at 80 mph in their SUVs, hauling boats, campers, ATVs, cartop carriers, dirt bikes...gas up all the toys, go blow a bunch of money at ritzy resorts and casinos, then fly back home.
I think it's mostly the local worker who is going to show up here.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver