Originally Posted by Ptero
Near Bakersfield CA on a 2-lane hwy.
3450 lb Honda Accord vs 3000 lb Toyota Prius.
The Accord was passing a truck and hit the Prius head -on.
Everyone in the Honda was killed.
In the Prius, the inertia of the battery pack seemed to propel the back of the car into the front section. The windshield was vertical. There was almost no room for the driver and passenger left. They were also killed. . . .
The story of the most recent Bakersfield accident that happened Friday, October 23, 2009 can be read here:
Infant, 3 Others Killed In Head-On Crash - Bakersfield News Story - KERO Bakersfield
There was no Honda Accord in this accident. Perhaps you might have a different accident in mind?
Originally Posted by Ptero
. . . The photo below is of another Prius head-on accident . . .
Oh great! A different, unrelated, fatal accident, ghoulish photo is posted . . . Ok, here is another, totally unrelated photo in honor of the original poster's photo:
The rate of fatal Prius accidents is less than half that for all USA vehicles per 100 million miles. The Prius has fatal accidents but one of the reasons
the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports the Prius as the second lowest insurance cost in its class is because they are safer and have few fatal accidents.
A poor post lacking facts and data reads like someone trying to spread FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt.) Fatal accidents are deadly serious.
I have found the Prius community discusses accidents, fatal and others with the same, empirical attitude, the seeking of knowledge and insights, that often shines at Ecomodder. Not everyone of course, but the Prius community tends to look at accidents with much the same attitude that we approached any other technical problem, like fuel efficiency ... with the cold dispassion view of engineers, scientists, and professionals who take an empirical look at the facts and data.
Bob Wilson