Originally Posted by Hondo
Hey Ben, did the camera fall off when you shut the door? Been there done that. How is the acceleration with your new chip? I haven't downloaded the latest version, so mine is still pretty slow at start up. I get a squeel and a cut out if I push the pedal down too far at low motor rpms even though I'm only pulling 225 amps. Once the motor gets up to arounf 2k rpm I can floor it and the amps will climb up to around 500.
Hey Hondo! Also, you and Ben will have to slightly increase the values of Kp and Ki. That will have a greater impact on snappier acceleration than the throttle ramp rate I think. It's set to something that really only someone running at 144v would want. Maybe double both Kp and Ki. It's able to be set through the serial port.