I put a small piece of plywood in my metro that was at about the same level as where the floor will be in the new car and the clutch and brake pedal worked out fine. Instead of hitting it with the top of your foot it hits in the middle. The gas pedal hits the floor but it is a pretty easy one to move up a few inches since there is nothing in the way above it. Just cut and weld the mount higher and drill a new hole for the cable. I could just shorten the gas pedal but moving it seems to be just as easy and won't change the travel of it.
My kit car was 2.5 inches off the ground with a flat floor and it almost never dragged on anything around here. I don't think I could get this car that low if I had to, the suspension just doesn't have that much range without changing struts and swapping out stuff. I plan on using my xfi springs that have been cut down so it sits 1/2 inch above the bump stops. That gives me a bit of room to handle minor road imperfections but still gives it the feel like you are riding a very large go kart. It seems a lot more fun riding around like that than being in some boring car that you can't feel the road in. I do have a 97 model metro in my spare parts pile that I might use the springs out of since they are stiffer, then I could trim the bump stops down some and still have a nice firm ride but be able to handle bumps in fast curves without it sliding and acting as crazy.
Then again half the fun of driving this thing is being able to act like a nut sliding around and doing crazy stuff all within the speed limit.

The dollar store only had scales that went to 280lbs so I haven't got a weight yet. I will find some decent scales soon though and find out what it weighs before I start assembling it. I figure it will be under 1500lbs so if I can get 4 scales that go to about 350lbs I should be able to weigh it when complete.