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Old 11-08-2009, 01:16 AM   #6 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Elkhart, KS
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Move to Western Kansas. There's still farmers out here that oil their road (with crankcase oil from their tractors, of course!) and almost nobody pays the $2 a tire recycling fee, 'cause the guys at the local landfills act like they don't see what ya throw into the pit. The "nanny state" micromanaging of our behaviour irks me no end, but some people seem to need it.
'96 Escort LX, now known as "deerslayer"
'84 Merc Grand Marquis, affectionately known as "le barge"
~35,000 mostly 2 lane highway miles a year.

I was born a Rambler man, but with the passing of AMC (sigh), just give me another Ford.

How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?
~ ~ ~
Hey, ya wanna go ride bikes?
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