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Old 11-08-2009, 07:12 PM   #7 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Hmmmmmm...let me see here. I have worked very hard for 6 years designing this system and I’m going to try to defend it the best I can. The electrical system is comprised of a series of components in connection that produces constant direct current power generation via logically and sequentially hot swapping lithium battery packs. The systems controller is powered by a vehicles standard 12 vdc OEM electrical system ei. battery and alternator. The system is fully modular. My system hot swaps four lithium battery packs by way of a special controller. The controller logically reads the voltage of each battery pack and one at a time sequentially connects and disconnects them from a bus bar. The bus bar which is located inside the controller sends that voltage to an inverter. When the battery pack that is discharging reaches its low voltage cut off (programmed in the controller), the controller connects the next battery pack, and disconnects the low voltage one also turning on its own dedicated battery charger. Each battery pack has its own onboard charger. The inverter changes the DC supplied from the battery packs to AC which powers a small but strong inverter duty AC motor. The AC motor is bolted to a CNC Aluminum plate. Also bolted to the plate is the vehicles OEM ac compressor, alternator, and vacuum pump. Also added are a high power AC generator, and custom high power DC generator. The components are pulley driven by serpentine belt, and would look like a normal automobiles internal combustion engines external component's configuration. The AC generator's power is sent to the controller, and then routed to the chargers, and that power is switched in tandem with the battery packs. The AC voltage allows the Three Step Chargers (each battery packs has its own) to complete a charge cycle in one hour. A battery pack will discharge for two hours. With the controller controlling the battery packs in sequence, each battery pack can rest for about five hours before its time to start discharging again. Each battery pack is good for 1,000 cycles (as per K2 batteries). With four battery packs, that's 4,000 cycles with two hour intervals between each cycle, or 8,000 hours total run time given this configuration.

The AC motor in this system exploits the controllers ability to hot swap the battery packs, by receiving inverted constant power, and providing the needed mechanical turning force to the AC generator that powers the chargers, therefore closing the loop on the sub system, and also providing the needed mechanical turning force to the custom DC generator which provides power to the controller for the electric motor of the drive train. Standing alone with a 12VDC 30amp power supply; given 8,000 hours of run time, that would be approximately 333 days if ran for 24 hours a day. If installed in a vehicle, the system would totally change the electric vehicle industry. The benchmark feature here is that the accelerator pedal has nothing to do with the operation of the batteries. The batteries only power the small AC motor, and that motors RPM will stay the same no matter what. So now you could operate an electric vehicle without plugging-in to recharge somewhere, or worrying about the amount of charge time left on your battery pack. Miles per Gallon would truly be an extinct term, along with Miles per Kilowatt. Also the electric vehicle will have all of its original luxuries (air-conditioning, power windows, ABS, and any other thing that was originally on the vehicle!) Any vehicle can be modified with this system. The system works and has been working. Have to install it into a vehicle now. Should fit nicely into a Ford F150. I am going to use the Azure- 55 drive train. I do agree that the system has a lot of energy loss. I do however think the applicable advantages of its outcome during usage will greatly outweigh its inefficiencies in internal design.
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