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Old 11-14-2009, 01:44 PM   #16 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Posts: 76

sukisuki - '00 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4wd
90 day: 21.88 mpg (US)
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Completely agree!

But don't use "el cheapo" magnets that you can find on amazon...
Get disk drive magnets on e-bay and put them orthogonally to the fuel flow.

Regarding the fuel heater, same story here. It isn't about increasing the temperature of the mix... but it is about trying to vaporize fuel before the pistons. Fuel isn't a gas but liquid. So by the time some of its components vaporize and start burning they get expelled and they burn with no useful work inside the piston.

Some get recirculated (EGR), some goes in your oil making it black.

Fuel magnets + gas heater + fuel pre-conditioning + hydrogen injection = better gas burning inside the piston (= HAFC).

If you push this to the extreme you get the GEET.

But nothing is worth doing it if you have an 02-feedback.
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