I am not sure how many miles I have on the car in the new frame and body but it has a few thousand at least.
I took the car to Geopalooza but didn't drive it there. The car would have no trouble driving 6 hours to get there but it is a pretty rough and noisy car. No sound proofing or considerations were given to comfort when I built it. I was only concerned with making it get good mileage. So It is a fun car to ride in as long as you don't want to go a long ways away. Maybe with a kidney belt and earplugs it would be tolerable for a 6 hour trip if your back is in good shape.
The electric drive stuff has brought the mileage down to about 55mpg when driving gas only. Still pretty good for a car with 7 batteries in it
I took the sprocket off the axle and the drive chain out for now. I need to use it as a daily driver till January or so. My van needs some work done and I didn't want to be motorcycle only all winter. I should start a thread on that van but I don't know if it really counts as much of a ecomod since it is going from a 4.3 engine to a 5.7 gas or 6.5 diesel. I am going to do some work to the engine before installing it so hopefully it stays around 25mpg normal driving.
I guess this conversation should be continued in this thread
http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...ress-5599.html I really need to finish it. I am so close to done but I have to keep it on the road for the next month or so unless I drop the van project for now. With only a few more weeks of school left I will probably just wait till December to figure out what I am actually going to do.