Originally Posted by JackMcCornack
Whaddyamean, jamesqf, like the ones on my avatar?
That one missed me: I don't see an avatar. But then I do use some custom user style sheets to get things to show up so I can read them, rather than the way some web site designer thinks is cool.
Yeah, there's some low hanging aerodynamic fruit on that car, all right. Front fenders were the first thing to go.
That picture's pretty close to what I was thinking (great minds, you know :-)), though what I was suggesting with the foam is a sort of radiused effect behind the wheel, like on the original Honda Insight.
I rather like the idea of fiberglass (or whatever) over foam, especially given that there's a lot of experience in the experimental aircraft community. But then, I'v also wondered about using doped fabric to make really lightweight body panels...