Well I found some pics of my car with the spoiler. Actually mines got a different front end than this one but otherwise it's all the same.
I don't have time to overlay it, but it looks like the spoiler is already almost in the right spot. The angle of the picture makes it look like it hangs over the end of the trunk though, and I don't think that's the case. I've never really looked at the spoiler up close though other than washing it so I'll have to check.
So I doubt it helps with the aerodynamics at all. I know they do make little spacer bar things that can raise the spoiler up about 6 or so inches.
If anything, I'd probably like to do something similar to the first picture Carlos drew. I'm guessing that would have the most impact out of the 3 options. Or maybe possibly do one of those boat tails, but I'd really rather not extend the length of the car if it's avoidable.