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Old 11-21-2009, 03:24 AM   #2 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Of course. For example: I'm reading a temperature and the oxygen sensor. But there are few unused pins, and the compass uses i2c. That means you need the analog input pins 4 + 5 for compass but at the moment they are used for buttons. So you also have to rewrite some functions in code (interrupts).

You could move buttons and speed signal to digital IO pins if you use a shiftregister for LCD (there are librarys for this at arduino playground) or rewrite the code for a serial LCD.
Or you can try the same as I do. I'm planing to use a graphic LCD with touch panel connected with i2c. Then you have many free pins to play

Edit: Sorry, maybe it was too early in the morning for posting. You wrote obduino, I thought MPGuino I don't know this one, maybe my writing is wrong for it!

Last edited by Sebastian; 11-21-2009 at 03:32 AM..
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