Originally Posted by pstrbrc
It was indeed "Who is John Galt?" I think my wife is within a year of being willing to "go Galt". I've got plenty of manual labor skills, and a pretty minimalist set of "needs", so moving to the barter system or odd jobs for cash is not out of the question. When my wife finally accepts a converted 26' U-Haul as our home, we're there.
Remember the hero was named Ryan and he invented a 'super lite super strong' steel product and the govt want him to share the invention w/ everbody.
My first job, within 2 weeks of finishing the book? Ryerson Steel!!!
oh no, it gets better......within 2 months I became the annointed "aluminum expert"
I was all very erie. I ended up making a presentation on alum. to a regional meeting of the 3 facilities in Texas. There were men in the room w/ 20+ years in the industry.