Originally Posted by Ryland
I have a 1975 Honda CB125 that gets 65-70mpg and tops out at around 60mph, it has one tooth larger then stock front sprocket to get the higher speed, if I want to get the top speed out of it I need to tuck my knees in and duck down.
A simple rear faring would help alot, alloy wheels would help too.
My BMW R1100RT will go 50 MPG at 80 MPH all day without even trying. I've never tried to hypermile it because it's fun to just ride it, and the riding season is short high in the mountains. It does have what I'm guessing is a pretty efficient fairing on the front. It would be interesting to experiment with a boattail. It's nice to have the combination of efficiency and power when I need it for maneuvering in traffic. You already put yourself at risk by getting out from behind the airbags and safety equipment. This bike has fuel injection, and I think that really makes a difference with all the changes in elevation I encounter on a ride. Easily between 5000 ft and 11,000 ft. Not feasible do do jetting changes in a carb. If you're in a flatter area it might be OK, but a later model bike with FI might be a better starting point if you can afford it.