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Old 11-29-2009, 02:41 AM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Originally Posted by The Atomic Ass View Post
The Ninja's battery is old, more than I'm willing to pay for, and the alternator does not put out enough to run my vest.
Your statements about battery size and alternator output deficiencies sparked a memory for me. Quite a number of years ago I used to ride a Yamaha RD250 as my work transportation and had the same problem with not enough juice to run my heated garments. My solution was to mount a group 24 auxillary battery in a box strapped to the rear luggage carrier that I kept charged while at home. If you got a big enough battery, it might just last for the round trip commute. Mine was about 6 miles each way, in Wisconsin, mid-winter! It would oftern get to minus 20F with blowing snow. Even with the heated garments, I never was totally comfortable, despite having a windshield. You learn to take it easy when driving on ice.I never tipped over except once when I had a green light but noticed too late that a policeman had his hand out telling me to stop. I slid, fell over then slid right up to his feet! He just looked down at me and shook his head! I got up, cranked the bike back to life, and took off.
This next suggestion may or may not be for you. I removed my field windings from the alternator of the bike and rewound it with heavier gauge coated wire to same number of windings. It took up a little extra room and I made a wood insert for the alternator cover and used longer screws along with sealing it with silicone. It helped quite a bit and although I never measured the output, with the additional load of heated garments, my head light didn't seem to dim as much after the two mods I mentioned.
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