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Old 11-30-2009, 02:52 PM   #41 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
JacobAziza's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Oakland, CA
Posts: 397

Big Orange Work Truck - '83 Ford F-250
90 day: 27.54 mpg (US)

Jessica's - '04 Toyota Matrix
90 day: 41.21 mpg (US)

Ninjette - '01 Kawasaki Ninja EX250R
Thanks: 44
Thanked 68 Times in 45 Posts
Sorry for the long delay, not working included not looking at emails or answering phone calls all extended weekend either.
It was pretty sweet

hey, any chance of some pics of your belly pan, and other mods?

summation of your driving techniques?
45-50mph on the freeway, except downhill.
Coast to all stoplights, and down any hill steep enough to maintain 50mph or faster.

can you maintain over longer distance trips, or does your style depend on slow speed of around town driving?
Best mileage was over 143 miles of highway driving (28.5mpg)

I have a thread going called hypermile homestead vehicle, I had come to the conclusion that a modified suzuki samurai was the answer to my problem, but If I could rig up a 4x4 similar to your truck I could haul firewood back from my off grid cabin site and have it end up being cheaper than a more "efficient" vehicle.
Always best to start with the smallest vehicle that will meet your needs.

A brief summary of my project, is a vehicle that will cheaply take me, and dumpstered building supplies from the city where I live, 300 miles to my 12 acres of bare land, then through 2 miles of snow and mud, then haul firewood from old logging slash from my land back downhill 2 miles through mud, then 300 miles to the city.
12 acres of land. I am SO jealous.

my questions for you are, if I didn't jack it up on big tires, what kind of mpgs could do you think I could get with the 4x4 version of your truck?
No idea, I've only done this once. I have read consistently that 4x4 detracts from mileage, what with the extra weight and drivetrain drag, but I have no idea by how much.

If you started this project over from scratch, what would you do different?
Honestly, the only thing I think I'd change is I'd start this project 3 years ago.
shell out a bit more for a more modern rig with an overdrive?
Average mileage has not increased in about 40 years. Every increase in engine efficiency has been paired to increasing weight, power, or adding power accessories.
I definitely want an overdrive. I'll swap the transmission as soon as I can afford it. The truck only cost $2000, so I can spend a good chunk on a 5spd tranny and still be well under what I would have likely paid for a newer truck.

different gearing?
I was considering it, until I found a hill I could just barely climb in low gear with the bed loaded down with concrete.

quad cab for cleaner aero's with an open bed
I use every square inch of the bed on a regular basis. Besides, I'm not sure if the improved aero would make up for the increased weight.

.....(just brainstorming, don't know if that would work :-)
Yeah, I really don't know much about anything, just trying things and seeing what works as I go along.

very interesting project, way to go, you the man, we're not worthy, etc.....
Thank you!


Originally Posted by Piwoslaw View Post
A few months ago I returned home just as my neighbor pulled into his driveway. It was cold (around freezing) with some rain and sleet, and he yells to me: You rode your bike? In this weather?!?

So the other day we both returned home at the same time again, only now the weather is warm, sunny, with no wind. And I yell to him: You took the car? In this weather?!?
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