Originally Posted by JonnyG
Welcome to Ecomodder!!!
Is this what the front of your car looks like?
If it does, I would start by smoothing off the headlights with plexiglass. Holes in the front aren't good for aerodynamics.
Tell us about your daily commute. Whatever it is, you're doing an awesome job already!!
yep, thats my front end. how would the plexi affect lighting?
I was also thinking about using a 98-01 front end because the lights aren't as recessed. (possibly better aero?)
my commute is 50 miles highway ~8 miles city
Ill drive anywhere from 360 miles to 420 miles a week which is why mpg have started mattering to me a lot more. haha
Originally Posted by cfg83
theblackbullet -
Welcome to EM! Automatic or Manual transmission? RH77 knowz a lot about your Integra.