Originally Posted by cfg83
Chris -
Someone can describe a better test than me, but I would do this, with and without the skirts :
1 - Find a hill you can coast down in Neutral that has a 45 MPH speed limit, and won't put you over 50 MPH (so no one can get mad at you for speeding) max on the coast. Maybe this means starting at a lower point down the hill. The hill will need a nice long flat section of road at the bottom.
2 - Start from the same start point each time. Coast down to a rolling stop as many times as it takes to get a reliable average for distance, max MPH, and time. The idea is to show repeatability.
If the skirts work, all three of those variables should be greater than without the skirts.
I think the only problem is finding that hill.
I have no hills that I can do that with, is there another way?
Originally Posted by LostCause
I know the coast down test has been described before, but I found a reference that goes into detail into limiting error. I think the most valuable thing was that it described how to find the coefficient of rolling resistance, rather than just using an assumption based on weight and manufacturer's tire specs.
Good results on the wheel skirts, but lets get some testing to make sure they aren't just placebos.
- LostCause
As soon as someone tells me how to go about testing
for results, I'm definatly down to give it a shot
I was suprised people on my truck forum didn't lynch me for skirting it. LOL
I've actually got the large portion of members trying to beat me.. More MPG to them!
If I end up at over the 30.5mpg mark, there mite be something to these..