I put this grill cover on my '09 Nissan Frontier for a couple days. Did a long road trip and have over 500 miles with it, but didn't notice any perceivable difference in mileage. Since this is my business truck I took it off, didn't want it looking too silly. Is it possible that it just wasn't helping at all?
My original plan was to get some plexiglass and use dual-lock velcro to stick it on front of the grill. This would look good, and be easy to remove, but I bet it would cost over $100 to get the plexiglass cut to shape. Perhaps I'll try affixing this sheet inside behind the grill instead, but I can't imagine that would be easy to remove when its time to tow.
Darcane: what material did you use for your belly pan? I may also try blocking the gap between the frame and the rails.
ECONORAM: What did you use to fill the gap between your cab and your bed?
RIDE A BIKE!: "If by tomorrow, every gas guzzler on the road were replaced by Priuses, we would still have the same gridlock, accidents, deaths, injuries and the same pressures to put more asphalt, strip malls and subdivisions." --Thomas Smart: SuperCommuter