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Old 12-04-2009, 04:07 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Home energy - broken solar cells?

Since this is an eco forum.... I was curious, does anyone have any broken solar panels they want to get rid of? I had been starting on a solar project and am having a hell of a time finding any around here.

I found an interesting write-up a while back that I had printed out regarding using solar cells and a decent sized panel to use energy for shop projects for things like battery tenders, charing stations, etc for tools. I'm all about that kind of stuff and think it would be a fun project.

Or, does anyone have anywhere they could POINT me for broken solar cells? (reason I prefer this is since you can essentially shape them, solder, and cut and make your own panel out of them pretty easily, and most people don't want them lying around anyway)

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