Originally Posted by atfab
Please excuse a newcomer for jumping in,
I gave spent a long time experimenting with HHO. Time and money prevent me from finishing my latest generator. Please remember I am only looking for an increase in MPGs, Not as the sole energy source.
The big problem is the ECU/Computer in modern cars. The main problem with HHO is the O2 sensor. HHO causes the ECU to see way too much O2 and enrichens the mixture. The current trend is to separate the Hg and O2 and only send the Hg to the intake. This requires carefull design, but even then the newer the car the harder it is to find the right balance of Hg with out reprograming the ECU
Too many of the easily found websites are actually for selling crappy designs that don't perform well and may actually be dangerous to use.
If you have an old, pre-computer car, with a carb, HHO can actually make a large difference. The timing would need to be retarded due to the faster burn rate. Care needs to be in the cell's design to prevent a backfire getting into the cell (Think, LARGE BOOM  ) and keeping the electrical load under 15 to 20 amps.
I understand that the Japanese are testing an actual water car, we can only hope they will force a change in our global reliance on oil
Specifically the part highlited, I don't believe for a second.
If you're splitting water into H, H, and O, and you're heating it sufficiently to cause chemical combustion and recomposition, the end result (if not harmful emissions) should be WATER. It came from water, it should return as water. There should never be an excess of O2 in the exhaust stream, unless you've introduced more O2 than H2. It just doesn't jive.
Since I don't believe that part, I don't well believe that you need to spoof the O2 sensor, either. If anything, spoofing the O2 sensor into running the car lean is the
sole reason for the increase in mileage.
Without seeing a dynamometer tested emissions sheet, I'd never for a second believe that there was excess O2 in the exhaust. Not for a single solitary second. It's BS until proven otherwise.