Yeah, I'm sick of Insight Central. It's so restrictive and they don't even allow open discussion of modifications to the car. What kind of enthusiast site does that? There is a great guy, Mike D. on there, who has developed a Manual IMA kit, and they force him to post all his discussion in one little thread marked "MIMA". Pretty lame... Maybe we should start an "Open" Insight forum. <twiddles fingers>
Anyway, my commute goes like this... first 1/2 mile is up a hill at about 30% grade, then I go towards downtown SF, which is still quite hilly on the freeway. Then we've got the Bay Bridge where I have to deal with crosswinds which often require me to be in 4th gear to hit lean burn. Then I get into Berkeley and it's another 2-3 miles all uphill to campus, at which point I start circling and looking for parking.
Last week my commute from home to Berkeley was 82mpg but after searching for parking I was down to 70mpg and after moving my car 3 times during the day (2 hr parking limit) I was down to 60MPG!!!!!! I only was able to recover to 65MPG on the drive home. I have noticed that the Insight can do some awesome mileage during the daytime but the electrical load and perhaps cooler temperatures at night hit the MPG's like it's nobody's business.
I'm going to pump my tires up to 50psi today, and see what's up.